Portugal Golden Visa: The Easy Route to an EU Passport

🔑 Key Takeaway: Portugal’s second citizenship accessibility positions it as a prime destination for investors and expatriates. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for those seeking an EU passport, especially through the Portugal Golden Visa. At Pela Terra, we are always keen to explore the evolving landscape of global citizenship and residency options. A…

Portugal Golden Visa: How Inclusive Is Portugal For LGBTQ+ Expats?

Portugal stands out in Europe and globally for its progressive stance on LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity, making it a compelling destination for expats from the LGBTQ+ community. For investors considering the Portugal Golden Visa program as a pathway to residency or citizenship, understanding the social and legal landscape regarding LGBTQ+ rights in Portugal is crucial,…

What Makes Farmland the Low-Risk, High-Return Golden Visa Asset?

In the dynamic world of investments, farmland distinguishes itself as a standout choice for those navigating the complexities of today’s economic landscape. This asset class is gaining recognition for its low-risk, high-return potential, particularly appealing to investors focused on both financial gain and environmental sustainability. Curious about investing to get an EU Passport? Check out…

Navigating 2024’s Golden Visa Opportunities in Portugal

Portugal’s Golden Visa program, a pathway to European residency and citizenship for global investors, has undergone transformative changes, propelling investment funds to the forefront of the scheme. With real estate investments being removed, the program now favors contributions to sectors like sustainable agriculture, significantly altering the investment landscape. Recent modifications to the Nationality Law, approved…

The Unique Potential of the Agriculture Portugal Golden Visa

Portugal, with its rich tapestry of landscapes and a burgeoning economy, is a land ripe with opportunity—especially within its agricultural sector. Accounting for 3% of the national GDP and heralded as the fastest-growing export sector, agriculture is a cornerstone of Portugal’s prosperity, offering fertile ground for investment and job creation. The Breadbasket of Portugal Over…

Dive Deep into the Prosperity of Portugal’s Farmlands

In the lush landscapes of Portugal, an unassuming asset beckons the discerning investor – soil, a canvas of untapped potential. This fertile ground, shaped by the confluence of Atlantic, continental, and Mediterranean influences, boasts an agricultural diversity capable of sustaining a plethora of crops, from the tartness of apples to the rich promise of avocados….

Golden Opportunity Beneath Our Feet: Investing in Soil for Future Prosperity

As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century’s economic landscape, the quest for investments that yield long-term, stable returns has never been more critical. Amidst traditional options like gold and land, there emerges an underappreciated yet vital asset—soil. This cornerstone of our ecosystem offers a compelling investment opportunity, blending financial wisdom with ecological stewardship….

Farmland is the new frontier for energy independence

Introduction Although energy independence is a worthy goal for any nation, it’s not the only concern when it comes to how we power our future. We need solutions that are more sustainable, less expensive, and friendlier to our environment. But what if there were one resource that met all of those criteria? Land that could…

Is Agriculture the Missed Opportunity in Climate Investment?

With the COP 26 UN Climate Conference in Glasgow taking place in approximately six months and Biden’s ambitious climate goal, everything points to the direction that in 2021, we will witness a significant shift in the economic structure. To build resilience and slash Greenhouse Gas emissions in half, the collaboration between the finance and agriculture…

Why does the Portuguese farmland make the best option for an investment fund?

The cornerstone of agriculture equity is in the land. This equity increases as the productivity of the soil increases, as the profitability of the farmer increases and ultimately, as demand increases for access to the limited resource of profit-generating farmland in the region.